
August Collective Reading: Embrace Your Vision to Soar into New Success & Freedom

Success, Achievement, Wealth and Freedom Awaits You This Month!

This month kicks off the new format of sharing collective monthly readings at the top of the month. Leo season is firing off strong as we collectively receive illuminating insights to shine the truth we need to know to align with our greatest success yet. Great Spirit wants us to know that this is OUR TIME. Stop waiting for permission to do what you know must be done and make some big moves. The odds are in your favor!

Below are the cards for the month and what to expect each week ahead…

  • The theme of the Month: The Eyes (The Chariot)- Success

  • Week 1, August 4 - 10: Ace of Water - Dive into Self-love and emotional alchemy

  • Week 2, August 11 - 17: Seven of Earth - Appreciate your Achievement

  • Week 3, August 18 - 24: Ten of Earth - Extra money, resources and good fortune

  • Week 4, August 25 - 31: Nine of Earth - New freedom awaits

Please watch my video for the full reading. I highlight deeper insights to help guide you in your healing and life journey this month.

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Body Systems To Nurture in August:

  1. The Eyes:

    1. Take extended breaks from screens. Go outside or unplug.

    2. Wear blue-light-filtered glasses when watching screens and/or use night-time mode on devices to remove blue light after 7 pm.

    3. Eye massages and eye exercises - see link for tips

      1. (video correction - I think I said these exercises help with glaucoma in the video but I meant to say cataracts, at any rate, anyone can use them for wellness and prevention.)

    4. Top Eye Health Nutrients: Vitamin A, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Astaxanthin

    5. Top Eye Health Foods: Dark leafy greens, peas, summer squash, pumpkin, brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, lettuce, carrots, pistachios, and sockeye salmon.

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  1. Kidneys, Adrenal, and Bladder Health: see my previous posts for dope tips

  2. Gallbladder & Stomach Health:

    1. Artichokes & Dark leafy greens

    2. High-fiber foods - whole grains, veggies, beans, seeds

    3. Fermented foods - sauerkraut, miso, kombucha, homemade gingerale w/ ginger bug.

    4. Deep belly breathing

    5. Castor Oil Packs

Thank you for reading Breaking Free for Healing Ascension. This post is public so feel free to share it. Light, Peace, and Progress to all of you!


Breaking Free for Healing Ascension is a reader-supported publication. The monthly collective readings will always remain free, but becoming a paid subscriber helps fund this ministry, plus, paid subscribers gain access to live monthly healing circles with Revée, personal health readings, and additional wellness support.