Breaking Free for Healing Ascension
Breaking Free for Healing Ascension Podcast
Healing Doses #1: Nourishing Our Sun Centers

Healing Doses #1: Nourishing Our Sun Centers

Learn what foods and practices help nourish and activate our solar plexus energy to aid in soul ascension and self-healing.

**Apologies in advance for any mic issues in my recording. My energy sometimes clash with technology and I didn’t feel like re-recording (sorry, not sorry! lol), but I will look into a better mic to use in the future. Thank you for your understanding.

Welcome to the Healing Doses series by Revée Lucidian. This series will bring practical information for implementation into our daily lives to cultivate self-healing and spiritual ascension.

All information shared in this series is not medical advice or meant to substitute medical care. This resource is educational only and it is highly encouraged you work with a healthcare provider for additional personalization and safety. If you’re interested in working with Revée Lucidian in their medical practice or mediumship services, please use the links below to learn more and book. And now, we will begin today’s message.

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This week, there has been a lot of chatter and signals around solar plexus pathology and the imperative to heal it. Within my practice this week, multiple long-term patients shared stories of recent exacerbations in their previous health issues and a surge in stress. The common thread I noticed is a link to dysfunctional solar plexus and sacral energies. For the purpose of this post, I will only speak to the solar plexus aspect.

Additionally, I’ve witnessed many writings this week from notable Lightworkers sharing related information and calling for the collective to heal their solar plexus energies to regain liberation and ascension. These occurences are not coincidence, so I’m taking a cue from Spirit to contribute more insight on how to support our Sun Centers.

For the sake of brevity, I will assume many of you are already aware of what is a solar plexus chakra and where it is located on your body. If this is new to you, please do a quick search and you will be flooded with resources to answer those initial questions. Or, you can also support my work as a paid subscriber, and I will be happy to answer those questions for you and you can receive access to my live stream Q&A sessions.

Let’s dive into ways solar plexus dysfunction can manifest in our physical body. Note, this is not an exhaustive list, but it does include the most common ailments:

  • Mental Health:

    • Anxiety/Nervousness/Fearful

    • Obsessive Rumination

    • Overwhelmed

    • Lack of Confidence/ Self-doubt/ Low Self-Esteem

    • Easily & Frequently Irritatated & Frustrated

    • Despondent

    • Complacency with abusive or harmful situations and relationships

    • Failure to Launch/ Unable to Follow through

  • Physical Health:

    • Digestive issues such as bloating, belly pain, diarrhea or constipation, indigestion, food sensitivities, vomiting, gut inflammation

    • Recurrent Hiccups

    • Changes in appetite

    • Sugar cravings

    • Liver and Gallbladder issues

    • Pancreas issues and/or Diabetes

    • Middle back pain

Three Initial Ways to Help Restore Solax Plexus Health:

1.) Eat Sun-loving foods - aim for at least 5 - 7 servings daily:

  • Fresh berries (i.e. strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc.)

  • Okra (sautéed/stir-fry, use in stews, or use in spiritual baths to clear stagnant and negative energies)

  • Summer Squash and Zucchini

  • Fresh Corn

  • Sun-ripened Tomatoes

  • Watermelon and Melons

  • Sweet Potatoes/Yams

  • Eggplant

  • Cucumbers

  • Green Beans or Summer Bean varietals

  • Herbs - Basil, Dill, Tarragon, Chives, and Lavender

Bonus Tip: When we’re not in the Summer months, freeze and save some of these foods to eat periodically during other seasons, though, more dietary emphasis should be placed on eating what’s in season in your local area or native to your ancestral homelands. Plants hold vital energy and eating seasonally helps us harness their natural energy for thriving in the season and location we’re in.

2. Solar Plexus Releasing and Energywork

  • This is a metaphysical healing practice that can be done in many different ways, but the end goal is to attune your Sun center back into correct frequency. This also includes tapping back into your inner child, innocence, and creativity.

  • Options to consider include citing releasing decrees, crystal therapy, spiritual baths, or additional forms of self-cultivation such as Falun Gong, Tai Chi, Yoga, Breathwork Meditation, etc. The options are endless, but only choose one and stick with it!

3.) Sun-Bathing in the Mornings

  • Find a nice area to sit or grassy patch of Earth to enjoy the morning sun energy and revive yourself. You can skip the chemical sunscreen and exposed your belly a bit (if there’s privacy or you feel comfortable) or gently tap or rub your belly in a clockwise direction as you soak in the sun rays.

  • If you’re in an area without much sunlight, a full-spectrum sunlamp can help supplement temporarily until you gain access to real sunlight.

  • Bonus tip: consider journaling or speaking your affirmations during this time for deeper healing work.

How Do You Know You’re Healing?

Well, simply put, you feel better!

The signs of a balanced and healthy solar plexus will often present as improvement or absent of those aforementioned symptoms above, as well as:

  • Feeling more empowered, determined, and a greater sense of self-worth and self-love.

  • Feeling more confident and clear in your purpose and what you want.

  • Feeling a greater sense of self-trust.

  • Having a growing desire to be more playful, joyful, and explore your own creativity.

I hope you found these suggestions helpful.

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Breaking Free for Healing Ascension
Breaking Free for Healing Ascension Podcast
Revée Lucidian is a metaphysician and medical medium. The messages in this podcast serve to offer clarity and support for breaking free from disease physically, mentally, and spiritually. Subscribers receive collective video readings divined through tarot and medical mediumship on health and wellness insights that promote healing and energetic ascension. Tune in to learn natural and intuitive ways to activate the healer within you.